


Digunakan sebagai koneksi, infus, dan peralihan jalur dalam tabung monitor tekanan selama operasi intervensi.



Ref.No. Descripfion
AM0201 2 ports ON with rotating adapter, right port orientation
AM0202 2 ports OFF with rotating adapter, right port orientation
AM0301 3 ports ON with rotating adapter, right port orientation
AM0302 3 ports OFF with rotating adapter, right port orientation
AM0303 3 ports ON with pressure line, right port orientation
AM0303A 3 ports OFF with pressure line, right port orientation
AM0307 3 ports ON with rotating adapoter, left port orientation
AM0308 3 ports OFF with rotating adapoter, left port orientation
AM0401 4 ports ON with rotating adapoter, right port orientation
AM0402 4 ports OFF with rotating adapoter, right port orientation
AM0209 Soft type 2 ports ON with rotating adapoter, right port orientation
AM0210 Soft type 2 ports OFF with rotating adapoter, right port orientation
AM0309 Soft type 3 ports ON with rotating adapoter, right port orientation
AM0310 Soft type 3 ports OFF with rotating adapoter, right port orientation


