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Tetapkan standar baru untuk kualitas gambar dan kemudahan pengiriman dengan Kateter Pemindaian Koroner OPTICROSS HD 60 MHz.
Menggunakan satu sistem untuk memberikan informasi keputusan pengobatan untuk IVUS dan fisiologi koroner dengan semua indeks fisiologis – FFR, DFR, dan Pd/Pa – serta dengan opsi terintegrasi dan mobile sepenuhnya untuk penyelarasan yang mulus di berbagai fasilitas.
Description | Order Number (GTIN) | Ref/Catalog Number |
AVVIGO™+ Multi-Modality Guidance System Mobile Cart System | 00191506033125 | H749 2493120C 0 |
AVVIGO™+ Multi-Modality Guidance System Integrated System | 00191506033163 | H749 2493120I 0 |
COMETTM II Pressure Guidewire | 08714729960140 | H749 3935911 0 |
OPTICROSS HD BAGLESS NON-CE | 00191506035419 | H749 3935205 0 |
OPTICROSS 6 BAGLESS NON-CE | 00191506035433 | H749 518136 0 |
OPTICROSS 18 Imaging Catheter | 08714729904366 | H749 393280018 0 |
OPTICROSS 35 Imaging Catheter | 08714729984542 | H749 393280035 0 |
ULTRA ICE™ PLUS Imaging Catheter | 08714729904380 | M004 9912 0 |
Motor Drive MDU5 PLUS™ FPB | 08714729982845 | H749 MDU5PLUSF 0 |
FFR Link | 08714729890010 | H749 555100 0 |
Permanent Sled | 08714729896838 | H749 39316010 0 |
Permanent Sled Sterile Bag | 08714729896845 | H749 39315010 0 |
OPTICROSS HD vs Philips Volcano: The OPTICROSS HD Imaging Catheter is 46-68% more deliverable than Philips’ Volcano IVUS catheters. (According to BSC bench data)High-Definition IVUS image quality helps physicians more accurately identify lesion length, assess plaque morphology, and determine the tools required for vessel prep. See how OPTICROSS HD’s 60 MHz images stack up against the competition:
OPTICROSS HD Imaging Catheter 40MHzAxial resolution: 38 µm
OPTICROSS HD Imaging Catheter 60MHzAxial resolution: 22µm
Philips Volcano Eagle Eye Platinum Imaging Catheter 20MHzAxial resolution: <170 µm
Philips Volcano Revolution Imaging Catheter 45MHzAxial resolution: 50 µm
OPTICROSS HD vs. AbbottThe OPTICROSS HD Imaging Catheter has comparable resolution, low contrast usage, and better depth than Abbott’s optical coherence tomography (OCT).
OPTICROSS HD Imaging Catheter 60 MHz
Enables user to clearly see specific calcium, giving you more confidence.
Flexible catheter and in 2 sizes (5F and 6F) optimizing more PCI procedures.